
Moodreads: Music for reading para Android

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  • En Español
  • V 1.4.0
  • 4.9

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Análisis Softonic

Moodreads: Música para leer

Do you like listening to music while you read? Moodreads: Music for reading is an Android application developed by Duveral that uses a complex algorithm to match any book with the perfect music. With the recent addition of an ISBN barcode scanner, you can now easily find your book using your camera.

Just type the name of any book into the search bar and instantly get a carefully selected playlist that perfectly fits the book you're reading. Whether you're diving into a horror novel or indulging in a romance novel, Moodreads will generate a spine-chilling and suspenseful soundtrack or a dreamy playlist, respectively.

The app also offers the soothing sound of rain and a timer feature that allows you to automatically turn off the app after 30 or 60 minutes, providing a distraction-free reading experience in perfect harmony with music.

In addition, Moodreads features a bookshelf where you can save a list of books you're currently reading, eliminating the need to search for the same titles every time you open the app.

With a continuously growing music streaming database, native Chromecast support, an ISBN scanner, and the option to play rain sound effects over the music, Moodreads provides a comprehensive reading and music experience. The app also includes original music from movie composers and is compatible with over a billion books through the Goodreads and Google Books API.

Please note that this app is not an ebook reader and does not contain any books to download or purchase. For any issues or suggestions, the developer can be contacted via email at

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Moodreads: Music for reading para Android

  • De pago

  • En Español
  • V 1.4.0
  • 4.9

  • Estado de Seguridad

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